About STEMreps
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our Vision
“True Education” is the Goal- applied in the bright and lucrative STEM fields. We want to lead an excited and committed group of STEM professionals entering or continuing in the workforce as scientists, healthcare professionals, business owners, managers, and inventors who will be in command of how technology works, how it’s adopted and spread, and how they can inspire others to leverage STEM for human advance.
Our Mission
- To define and spread great STEMsmart technology, always upholding our Premise Promise!
- To develop and retool a workforce for the careers and ownership that drive STEM and tech advancement!
- To offer a new and fresh approach to B2B and B2C outbound markets that manufacturers and service providers can leverage to take their STEMreps-approved solution to market!
STEMreps Premise Promise
All STEMreps approved or supported solutions MUST:
- Create a disruptive set of research, healthcare, or personal care advantages using a STEM process or capability,
- Result in cost savings and/or revenue generation opportunities,
- Improve the health and safety of the spaces we all share- from the planet down to our own bodies and the microenvironments we inhabit.
STEMreps Leadership
STEMreps is a wholly owned brand of DRIVEN SYSTEMS under its BIO division.
With years of combined executive expertise in medical diagnostics, cancer, genomics, proteomics, cell culturing, stem cell research, pharma, human resources, K-12 and adult education, transportation, IT/telecommunications, wireless technology, and more, the STEMreps core team has been at the forefront of the tech, education, and the commercial revolutions of the last 30 years. So many exciting advances spawned by the internet and information transfer, the mapping of the human genome, gene editing, distance learning techniques, LEAN and Kaizen systems and several other game changing technologies have demanded a new approach to working and creating products for worldwide markets. Our dream is to impart this wealth of knowledge and experience to others and promote integrity, innovation, investigation, and ingenuity to a widespread market of learners, earners, and growers!